The final partners’ meeting of the EU Project ExCHange (Experience for change within the Cultural Heritage sector)took place at WATCH offices from 18 through 20 April. At the meeting an overall review was conducted of the one year cooperation project between WATCH and Turkish leading partner FOCUH (Friends of Cultural Heritage) and the contribution given in it by the Associate Members, Kocaeli University (TK), University of Rome Sapienza (IT) and Municipality of Korfez (TK).
A project co-financed with a grant by EuropeAid under the Civil Society Dialogue II – Culture and Arts Component (CSD-II/CA) was implemented during a year, to end on April 25, 2012. Despite the relatively short duration of the action, the project was able to deliver the expected results and several added values were produced. Results and outputs of the project will contribute to foster higher education studies in the field of restoration, conservation and of movable cultural heritage in Turkey. An international conference was hold at the Kocaeli University with the participation of experts from over ten countries from around Turkey, Europe and the Middle East. Records of the conference will be cast on: