FOCUH (Friends of Cultural Heritage), located in İstanbul, Turkey, participated as CSO to session: Contribution of civil society to the preservation of cultural heritage of People to People 2 Program (P2P) held in Brussels, Belgium from 29 March- 01 April 2011. The P2P Programme is funded by the EU and DG Enlargement with the assistance of the European Union Delegations in the beneficiary countries. It is entitled to candidate countries (Turkey, Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia). P2P aims to support the role of beneficiaries countries civil society organisations at regional, national and European levels; by providing the possibility to visit, learn and create networks with EU institutions, EU relevant umbrella NGOs with a view of familiarisation with the EU policies, programmes, initiatives and best practices; and to facilitate a better mutual understanding, in the perspective of future enlargement and partnership building. For more information please visit http://www.avrupa.info.tr/CSD_Revised,P2P_Announcement_2011.html?LanguageID=2 During the program, on behalf of FOCUH, Mrs Saadet Guner made an announcement to introduce WATCH briefly to the CSOs participated from the said countries. She suggested them to visit the WATCH’s Web Page, be member to it (individual or institutional) introduce WATCH in their universities, academics and various CSOs in their countries, encourage them to be the Member of WATCH. FOCUH’s announcement is published on the official Web Page of the Program: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex/dyn/taiex-events/library/detail_en.jsp?EventID=44684. Issued on 30/04/2011