A speech will delivered on March the 20, 2012 by Arch. Claudio Cimino, WATCH Secretary General, at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Department of Histories and Methods for the Cultural Heritage Conservation based in Ravenna. This event is organised within the framework of a series of conferences on: “World Heritage Protection. Results and perspectives”. WATCH will promote its current activities raising public awareness on the EU CIUDAD project WAR FREE WORLD HERITAGE LISTED CITIES; the presentation of the methodology used to design and implement Risk Preparedness Plans in heritage listed urban areas as a factor of good governance. The institution of restricted permanent Thematic Committees in support to WATCH contribution to the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention will be also part of the speech.
More information: http://www.cbc.unibo.it/Beni+Culturali/Eventi/2012/03/Cimino.htm.
During his visit Arch. Cimino also attended as assistant supervisor to the discussion of an MA thesis entitled “UNESCO for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Byblos (Lebanon): the digitised catalogue project”. A thesis elaborated within the framework of the institutional activities promoted by NEREA, Associate partner in the WFWHLC project.